November 8, 2012

happy hundred days

hundred days down. six hundred thirty to go.

okay so i know it's not that monumental. but its my first mile-stone day. so let me have a reason to celebrate deal? so it's really strange.. sometimes i feel like the past three months dragged on.... & i thought to myself "two years is never going to come, just stop your count downs". & then sometimes i reflected back on the months and it seemed like summer was just last week {the whiteness of my skin would like to suggest otherwise however}.  so did they go by fast? yes and no. i feel like i just meet him & fell in love but then.... i feel as though its been forever since i've been in his arms. oh the joys of missionaries. {so that sounded sarcastic but actually there are a lot of joys} let me share with you what i have learned the last three months:

  • writing letters is a stress reliever
  • receiving letters is like being given a new shiny present every week
  • i am really good at making packages {yes, i am tooting my own horn right now}
  • pictures mean soooo much when you don't get to see the person you love everyday
  • words are powerful & meaningful 
  • surprise packages makes that day seem like it suddenly has a heavenly golden glow about it
  • & christmas has an extra excitement added to it :) :) 
but maybe the most important thing i still know to be true is this: i love this boy & i love the joy that he brings to me everyday even when he is over two thousand miles away. happy hundredth everyone! do something to celebrate... i give you permission.

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