December 1, 2012

december first

this day is quite significant i suppose. it means one more month has come and gone. its the start of the month where we celebrate the birth of our lord & savoir, jesus christ. it is the month where my best friend & roommate leaves to serve a mission in chile. it marks four months down for steven. exactly twenty more months to go {this means 608 days left}. & it is the very last month of the year 2012.

this is the last month where everything will be the same. starting in january, my life is going to change dramatically. i won't have my three very best friends to turn to whenever i need them. one will be in the mtc. one will be back home in chicago. & thank goodness one of them will only be thirty minutes away but still its not the same as just a holler across the apartment hallway. i want to savor every moment that i have with them. its the last time we will all be together for at least 22 months. sometimes i can't help but to be overwhelmed with sadness. & feel as though i'm being left behind... i just have to remind myself i have important work to do here too. {plus: who can be sad in december? it might very well be my favorite month}

so in this month i will be... making memories and cherishing the old. saying "see you later" to my best friend. celebrating the eternal marriage of my brother. enjoying spending time with my lovingly family. rejoicing in the birth of my christ. & counting down to a brand new year with unknown adventures on the horizon.


  1. I love this Melina!! I love you too and am REALLY going to miss you. We've got to make the most of the few weeks we have left together! Well, before my mish at least. Because we actually have years and years and years to still make memories :)

  2. Mina I love this too! Ahhh it's so weird that we're all gonna be separated again :( but at least I'll be close.... I'm glad about that :) I love you so much! let's make the next 2 weeks ROCK!

  3. if you need a friend this next year, lets get together! you're awesome!
